About Me

I have a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Philosophy, and I am currently working on my Clinical Counseling Master's of Science. I have 6 years of experience working in the mental health industry as a Case Manager on a specialized team targeting the adult population suffering from severe and debilitating mental illness, who resided in various residential care facilities and assisted living facilities in my region of the US.

Mental health will be a recurring topic in this blog, but my intention is to address a wide range of topics and issues that I find to be important and underrepresented, and to present valid information with reputable citations. I want to challenge readers to question their own beliefs in a constructive way that will promote a healthy inner discourse and facilitate a reflective equilibrium.

My aim with this blog is to present information on topics in which I am passionate and knowledgeable, and which are subject to widespread misinformation or under-representation in the media. I will approach topics in a scholarly way with citations, and I encourage readers to check my sources. I have advertisements disabled, and I do not benefit in any way from this blog.


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